Bible, Father, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Luke, prayer, Romans
There is a super famous Bible verse that is super misused, causing two super problems. So that has got to stop. In Luke 11 Jesus is teaching His followers about prayer. He models prayer for them via what we know as “The Lord’s Prayer,” (as if He only...
depression, friendship, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Luke, Uncategorized
In Luke 5:17-26, Luke recounts the time Jesus miraculously heals a paralytic. At the time Jesus’ popularity was swelling. All kinds of people wanted to be around him for many different reasons. Some wanted Him to provide miracles in their lives. Some were...
1 John, anxiety, believe, Bible, doubt, fear, God, Jesus, Mark, peace, trust, worry
In Mark 4 Jesus asks His disciples two questions I think He asks you and me pretty regularly, too. His inquiries are made to the disciples at the end of the story of how He speaks to the wind and the waves in a “furious squall” and they immediately die...
believe, Bible, Ephesians, Father, God, Jesus, Matthew, obedience, Romans
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus As I read Matthew 7 this morning, this verse caught my eye. Actually, the heading above this...