Bible, Ephesians, Galatians, God, growing, Holy Spirit, Romans, spiritual growth
To: My Followers From: God Subject: Life There will be no doing this yourself. Living a life with Me as your Lord – it’s not possible in your own strength. I don’t say this because I have a superiority complex (I’m actually quite justified in...
Bible, Colossians, conflict, Ephesians, family, God, marriage
I felt the anger begin to churn in my core. My muscles became concrete, my jaw locked. I tried to stop the emotion, but it kept coming. I diverted my eyes because I knew they would burn a hole right through him if I looked up. The Bible study I had been in – I...
believe, Bible, elders, Exodus, faith, God, James, Mark, obedience, prayer
Truth be told, I’m not comfortable with the whole idea of anointing people with oil. It’s a mysterious, wacky religious right practice that I just don’t understand. It’s not a practice I’m very familiar with, having grown up with no...
Bible, evangelism, James, John
I’m not enough of a biblical scholar to know for sure, but I feel safe in saying that one of the first examples of evangelism (if not the first) occurred before Jesus’ death and resurrection. In fact, the incident I am talking about occurred before Jesus...
believe, Bible, God, Isaiah
Hope. Or maybe I should say certain hope. Yes, certain hope – sure, confident, and able to be trusted. Guaranteed. Unwavering. Unconditional. Unparalleled. This is the kind of hope you and I have access to through Christ Jesus. Life, in order to be lived...