The Constancy of Change

It has taken me nearly 30 years, but I’ve finally come to understand that everything is in a constant state of change. I understood a variation of that statement early on in my life. As a kid, I understood change happened every time I celebrated turning a year...

Certain Hope

Hope. Or maybe I should say certain hope. Yes, certain hope – sure, confident, and able to be trusted.  Guaranteed.  Unwavering.  Unconditional. Unparalleled. This is the kind of hope you and I have access to through Christ Jesus. Life, in order to be lived...

Telling God No

Peter.  God love him. He is the disciple that I relate to most.  From the excessive pride, swearing he’ll never deny Christ, to letting his emotions dictate his actions, cutting off that guy’s ear who came to arrest Jesus, Peter is a relatable dude. After...