It Takes Time

The majority of the time my posts are hard to stomach.  I often write about getting real.  And the reality about getting real is that it means we have to call sin sin. When we stop to read the scriptures, we see ourselves on the pages.  We see the Bible call our sin...

The Kind of Ultimatum God Loves

My four year old is an endless fountain of questions.  The other day she asked me why it is summer.  I was stumped.  (Seriously, what would YOU have said?!)  So I gave my stock answer, “Because it is.”  She was satisfied not because that was a stellar...

Why Thanksgiving Day Comes Before Christmas Day

(For those who are impatient, the last sentence tells you why.) Each morning I bring my 17 month old baby downstairs, and she points at the Christmas tree.  With an urgency that isn’t necessary, she repeats, “YIGHTS!  YIGHTS!”  She...