No Plan

I am acutely aware of my frailty. I was gonna use the word “suckiness” instead. And, apparently, I still am. But that’s a tad more negative than how I really feel. I am acutely aware that I do not have the power or determination to will myself into...

Soul Sick

Some things about life suck. This has nothing to do with my natural bent toward pessimism or my forgetting to take my depression medication. It has everything to do with the Fall.  (The event, not the season.) When sin entered the world, it ruined stuff.  And ever...

Spells of Waiting

I think I am in a “season of waiting” right now.  I say “I think” because I’ve been wrong before about God and His ways.  And I say a “season of waiting” in quotes because I really can’t stand that word...