The Soil of Our Souls

Sometimes the Holy Spirit tweaks my soul ever so slightly just to let me know that whatever I am doing or thinking about is a problem.  Without bossing me around, the Spirit gently says, “Hey, you need to address this.  Soon.  Before it eats you alive.” In...

Spiritual Prostitutes

I’ve crossed paths with the book of Hosea three times in the past two weeks.  The third time I said to myself, “Hey, maybe God is trying to teach me something.”  I’m pretty astute that way. My previous knowledge of this short Old Testament book...

When Church is Messy

In the past four months, two men on senior staff at my church have resigned.  By all accounts, these men love the Lord, His Word, and His Church with their whole beings.  Yet, on separate occasions, each man stood before the congregation and announced his decision to...