Soul Sick

Some things about life suck. This has nothing to do with my natural bent toward pessimism or my forgetting to take my depression medication. It has everything to do with the Fall.  (The event, not the season.) When sin entered the world, it ruined stuff.  And ever...

On Sin

I know I am late to the party on this one, but I am finally getting around to reading Francis Chan’s Crazy Love.  And something he said has been reverberating in my mind for a week or two. I don’t have the book with me, so forgive me if the quote...

Walled In

I got on a Hosea kick over the summer.  I wrote a handful of posts from some verses that knocked me over. God really spoke, and I really listened.  But somewhere in there, I must not have applied what I learned. Three months later, I am back in this book.  I am...