Bible, God, idols, Jesus, love, Luke, Mumford and Sons
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna gush about Mumford and Sons in this post. Because I did that last month, and you people will only put up with so much of that nonsense. But. I am gonna share some thoughts their lyrics are responsible for causing me to think....
1 Corinthians, 1 Samuel, 1 Timothy, Acts, believe, Bible, Deuteronomy, faith, God, Heaven, idols, Jesus, John, Judges, Leviticus, Luke, Numbers, obedience, tolerance, universalism, worship
There is a popular idea out there that it doesn’t matter how you choose to worship, as long as you are sincere. Within this idea is an unspoken conclusion that, somehow, no matter which religion turns out to be right, the god(s) of that religion will honor the...
Deuteronomy, Exodus, freedom, Galatians, God, idols, Jesus, Judges, power, sin, tolerance
People are under the impression that they aren’t free unless they are allowed to do whatever they want. But that definition of freedom is lacking. Due to human nature, when we are allowed to do whatever we want, we freely choose to do things that will...
Bible, God, grace, growing, Holy Spirit, idols, Joshua, worship
We sprinted through the book of Joshua yesterday in Bible study. With only one documented screw up (Joshua 9), Joshua was one of Israel’s most faithful leaders. He was big on Bible reading and made it a priority for his people to know the Word so they could...
1 John, discipline, God, idols, John, Kurt Cobain, love, obedience, sin
Hi, my name is Kelly, and I am a rebel. I’m sure this is true of all people to some degree or another, but I feel particularly prone to resist authority. I blame my older brother. He modeled rebellion well for me, for which he spent the better part of the...
Bible, Exodus, faith, God, idols, Moses, waiting
I think I am in a “season of waiting” right now. I say “I think” because I’ve been wrong before about God and His ways. And I say a “season of waiting” in quotes because I really can’t stand that word...