Bible study, discipleship, Great Commission, Jesus, Matthew, obedience
I’ve been co-teaching a three-semester Systematic Theology class at my church for the last 18 months. (And it has been a BLAST! If you’re in the area, I highly recommend joining us the next time we teach it.) Our class is coming to an end in a couple of...
Bible, Church, discipleship, Exodus, God, Great Commission, growing, Jesus, John, Matthew, meaning of life, ministry, obedience
“What is the purpose of the Church?” The question gave me pause. I didn’t have a memorized answer I could just spout off when I read those words a couple of months ago. I guess that’s because I hadn’t really taken the time to consider the...
EQUIP, evangelism, Great Commission, Matthew
The majority of Christians understand that we have a responsibility to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ with others (Matthew 28:19). But we don’t do it. For a lot of reasons. In part, we just don’t care enough about others’...
evangelism, God, Great Commission, Matthew
I spend my Tuesday mornings intentionally engaging in conversations about God (among other things) with women who don’t share my views. Some think they believe what I believe about God, but their lifestyles communicate otherwise. Some don’t know what they...