1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 1 Samuel, 2 Thessalonians, Colossians, Ephesians, Genesis, God, Matthew, plans, Psalms, Romans, spiritual gift, trust
Every year about this time, at summer’s end, prepping for another school year, another year of ministry, I question my “purpose” and my “calling”. Truth be told, I hate those words. Mostly because I struggle to pinpoint what my purpose...
1 Timothy, 2 Corinthians, Bible, Exodus, Genesis, God, Isaiah, Jacob, Jesus, John, Luke, Moses, prayer, spiritual growth, truth
Unable to sleep despite needing to sleep, I went downstairs for the next best thing – coffee. I paced the length of my kitchen as the machine sputtered. The coffee maker struggled to brew as I struggled to order my thoughts. I began speaking aloud to the Lord,...
believe, Bible, faith, Genesis, God, grief, happiness, hope, Jesus, pain, Psalms, Revelation, sin, spiritual growth, trust, waiting
Over the weekend, a teacher at my church blew my mind. Allow me to plagiarize him so your mind can be blown too. (It’s okay, he probably read this idea in a book he didn’t write.) He said when Christ comes back and establishes the new earth, it will not be...
Bible, Cain, Genesis, God, grace, obedience, rules, sin
There is a rule of thumb for how we ought to live. It’s pretty simple, straight-forward. And I found it in Genesis 4 the other day. God is speaking with Cain after he offers a sacrifice to God Cain knew would be inadequate. If you do what is right, will you not...
Fall, Genesis, Heaven, sin, waiting
Some things about life suck. This has nothing to do with my natural bent toward pessimism or my forgetting to take my depression medication. It has everything to do with the Fall. (The event, not the season.) When sin entered the world, it ruined stuff. And ever...
believe, Bible, blessings, Exodus, faith, Genesis, God
On Sunday our pastor preached on Genesis 12. Verse 1 reads, “The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.'” (The previous Thursday I taught on the same passage. ...