General Jehoshaphat’s Wacky Warfare Worship
(Say THAT three times fast. I'll wait.) This isn't your typical battle plan. The Lord had told Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, a VAST army was coming to attack him and his people. Jehoshaphat was a man devoted to God. And in the face of this massive battle, Jehoshaphat...
No Plan
I am acutely aware of my frailty. I was gonna use the word "suckiness" instead. And, apparently, I still am. But that’s a tad more negative than how I really feel. I am acutely aware that I do not have the power or determination to will myself into writing, much less...

Slow down.
I started reading 1 Thessalonians today because yesterday I wound up in chapter 3 and remembered just how fantastic these letters are! I won't drone on and on about how Paul was a verbal genius (run-on sentences aside), but, I will repetitively remind you his words...

Pray like Paul.
In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul told them to pray without ceasing. And, like a good leader, he practiced what he preached. Paul prayed a ton. In each of his letters, he tells the recipients things like, " my witness how constantly I remember you...

I’m Kelly
And sometimes I write here.