Why I Don’t Evangelize

Sunday morning I sat in a class at my evangelical church, and the subject of sharing our faith with non-believers came up. We brain-stormed why our church and the churches in our community aren’t growing, and we decided it’s because we aren’t telling...

Instructions for Life

There is a rule of thumb for how we ought to live. It’s pretty simple, straight-forward. And I found it in Genesis 4 the other day. God is speaking with Cain after he offers a sacrifice to God Cain knew would be inadequate. If you do what is right, will you not...

Go Without

As a daddy leads a fearful, hesitant child toward a new situation, the Lord has been gently encouraging me –  never forcing me – down a new path. He’s been quietly, compassionately, and consistently reassuring me, “Come this way. You’ll...

Straight Up

Don’t worry, Paula Abdul will not be referenced in this post. (Anymore than she already has). There’s this verse in Proverbs you’ve probably heard before. It says, “…in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths...