Telling God No

Peter.  God love him. He is the disciple that I relate to most.  From the excessive pride, swearing he’ll never deny Christ, to letting his emotions dictate his actions, cutting off that guy’s ear who came to arrest Jesus, Peter is a relatable dude. After...

Who Do YOU Say I Am?

It’s a big week for Jesus.  You know, Easter and all that.  So, as long as we’re all thinking about Him to one degree or another, He’s got a question for us. (Actually, it was initially for Peter.  But it’s for you and me, too.) Jesus was...

The Truth About God’s Promsies

Sometimes the Old Testament seems irrelevant.  I yawned my way through the dividing of the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel (Joshua 13-21).  And when I was just about to nod off, one gem of a verse caught my heart and made all that boring reading worth it....