Jesus, Mark, Matthew, prayer, Psalms
“What do you want me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32). Jesus had asked this question of two blind people. And you can guess how they replied. “Lord, we want our sight,” (Matthew 20:33). And you know what Jesus did? “Jesus had compassion on...
1 Corinthians, 1 John, Bible, Ephesians, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Luke, Matthew, spiritual warfare
I’m a little Type A (my score: 14/16). I’m also slightly sarcastic. But you know this already. I have a point. It’s coming. It will be here soon. Oh, yes, when I am told to do something at which I am inexperienced, I need instructions. Step by step,...
abortion, evangelism, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, meaning of life
On the hard days – the days I want to walk away from all this faith stuff – I put one foot in front of the other and walk anyway… I drive past the shotgun houses – every other one boarded up – and a man drinking a 40 at 9 AM on a Tuesday....
believe, Bible, Genesis, God, power, spiritual growth, trust
I love when the Lord asks people (us) questions in scripture. He’s never asking for His benefit; He knows all answers to all questions, being that He is God and whatnot.No, He asks questions to spur us on to examine our thinking about Him so we can discover...