Ann Voskamp, God, growing, joy, One Thousand Gifts, thankfulness
A lot of folks have been talking about a book called One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. I didn’t read it for awhile. For whatever reason, I am usually behind the times by a year or two on reading the latest craze books. Maybe I figure if they are really that...
1 John, Bible, God, Hebrews, Jesus, John, prayer, Romans
Prayer is good. Praying for each other is good. And I appreciate people who pray for me in the privacy of their own minds. But I am taken to a whole new level of honored when someone prays for me out loud in my presence. I am humbled. I am touched someone would take...
Bible, Ecclesiastes, God, love, Numbers, tolerance, truth
In the olden days, God set up a system the feminists are none too pleased with. Nonetheless, it existed, and it was described in Numbers 30. The gist of the system was that two types of women couldn’t make vows or pledges without being given the okay. First,...