Bible, God, love, Proverbs, Psalms, Uncategorized
Two of my favorite concepts in Scripture are the Lord’s unfailing love and His delighting in us. And I think they go hand in hand. The phrase “unfailing love” appears 39 times in the NIV, and it is only used to speak of God’s love, never...
abortion, God, grace, Jesus, love, mercy
Today at 12:30 PT, a couple plans to abort their 20 week gestation daughter. The doctors told them a couple weeks ago she has a pretty serious heart defect. So they’re choosing to end her life in the hopes they will get pregnant with a healthy child instead. If...
Bible, Ephesians, God, growing, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, love, Matthew, pain, Psalms, relationships, self worth, spiritual growth
It’s hard to be a good writer without also being honest. And being honest is tricky because sharing my life necessarily means sharing others’ lives, at least where their lives intersect with mine, and others don’t always want to be as open as I am...
1 Corinthians, Acts, Bible, friendship, God, grace, growing, Jesus, John, love, Luke, relationships, spiritual growth
You know how sometimes God puts together cute little lessons for us that all revolve around a central theme? (He could be a party planner that way. He could be on Pinterest.) Well, the lessons of the month for me are all about learning to love better. God is showing...
1 Corinthians, love, marriage
Love is not impatient. Love is not mean. Love is content. It is modest. It is humbly confident. It honors others. It is selfless. It is extraordinarily calm. It lets go of offenses. Love delights in goodness but mourns over falsity. It never endangers, never suspects,...