2 Corinthians, believe, Bible, faith, fear, God, growing, Holy Spirit, Jesus, John, pain, Psalms, sin, spiritual growth
In my last post I tossed out the idea that when we choose Jesus to be our Lord and our Savior, our “old things” pass away… but, like gangrenous tissue, they are still apart us, threatening our new lives in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Although the old things no longer...
2 Corinthians, Bible, God, grief, Jesus, pain, spiritual growth, suffering
I’ve always had a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that when we become Christians, we become “new creations”. Actually, I don’t so much have a problem with the “new” part as I do with the the idea that the...
believe, Connecticut, evil, God, Newtown Massacre, pain, Sandy Hook, tragedy, trials
I don’t really want to write anything about Newtown, Connecticut, given I have no new insight to offer. I don’t need to summarize what you already know about the situation, and I don’t want to offer my opinion on theological debates because...