2 Corinthians, Acts, blessings, Ephesians, Exodus, faith, God, grace, meaning of life, pain, self worth, trials
One of the go-to verses for Christians in pain is 2 Corinthians 12:9. In it God told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Of course, the context is important. So bare with me while I rehash that for us. Corinth...
1 Corinthians, love, marriage
Love is not impatient. Love is not mean. Love is content. It is modest. It is humbly confident. It honors others. It is selfless. It is extraordinarily calm. It lets go of offenses. Love delights in goodness but mourns over falsity. It never endangers, never suspects,...
Ann Voskamp, believe, faith, God, Heaven, hope, One Thousand Gifts, pain, thankfulness
It’s not often I read the same book twice in a year’s time, but it happened this year. Partly because it is an excellent book. And partly because I am quick to forget what I “learn”. (Have we really learned something if we forget it?) If...
Ann Voskamp, God, grief, Heaven, Jesus, John, One Thousand Gifts, pain, Uncategorized
My kids and I talk about Heaven a lot. My 3 year old is just trying to wrap her brain around the concept of Heaven. She knows it is a place where God lives, and if you love Jesus, you get to go there. When I remind her of these facts, she inevitably says, “I...
God, growing, Proverbs, spiritual growth, trials, trust
Don’t worry, Paula Abdul will not be referenced in this post. (Anymore than she already has). There’s this verse in Proverbs you’ve probably heard before. It says, “…in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths...