1 Thessalonians, 2 Corinthians, God, hope, Jeremiah, Jesus, One Thousand Gifts, Oswald Chambers, Psalms, resurrection, Romans, spiritual growth, thankfulness, Uncategorized
I’m not really sure how it happened. Maybe it’s because I keep re-reading that crazy gratitude book. Or maybe it’s because I’ve spent more time in the Psalms this year than any other book of the Bible. Or maybe it’s because I finally got...
1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, 2 Corinthians, Bible, Church, Ephesians, God, happiness, Hebrews, James, Jesus, joy, Matthew, Philippians, Psalms, spiritual growth, trials, Uncategorized
The fact is there are lots of awesome church people out there that have decided it’s not okay for them to leave their churches because they don’t really have biblical reasons to do so. So they are staying. Right where they are. And, truth be told, they are...
believe, Bible, faith, fear, friendship, God, grief, Jesus, love, Matthew, obedience, pain, sacrifice, spiritual growth, trials, trust, Uncategorized
The Lord has been trying to get me to agree with Him on something for months… or has it been years? I can’t remember. Anyway, He finally found a way that even I – the woman who could have been a lawyer – can’t argue with. If you like your...
believe, Bible, faith, God, Jesus, John, love, Matt Maher, meaning of life, self worth, significance, spiritual growth, Uncategorized
I drank the verses slowly, letting them swirl around in my heart like the velvet coffee in my mouth. I was warmed by both. “Remain in me,” Jesus said, “and I will remain in you,” (John 15:4). It took only moments for me to realize that’s...
Bible, God, grace, idols, Jesus, pain, Psalms, sin, Uncategorized
Israel. Throughout the Old Testament, the nation of Israel is reamed for failing to worship God the way they were supposed to. Sometimes they forgot. Sometimes they remembered but refused. You and I are just the latest models of Israel. We may wear better clothes and...