Trials and Temptations

“…the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from temptations…” (2 Peter 2:9, NASB) I hadn’t ever heard it put that way before. I could use a God like that because, frankly, I can’t rescue myself from temptations. I know me. I know my flesh. I know the allure temptations...


So, to understate things, Israel had some trust issues with the Lord. (I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.) The Old Testament spends a lot of time chronicling the ways in which Israel failed to believe God would/could take care of them, despite His...

Spiritual Legacy: God Guides

About a month ago I started having a symptom that commonsense told me I should have checked by a doctor. It wasn’t bothersome, but knowing it might be a bad sign, I called the doctor. And she told me to come in. Of course, she was pretty nonchalant. She gave me...