Orphaned Souls

I heard a phrase on the radio the other day I can’t get out of my head – orphaned souls. K-Love was plugging an organization that gives shoes to orphans, and they call their benefactors orphan souls. But the DJ on the radio kept saying orphaned souls, and...

You’ll Make It

Sometimes when we are in the middle of a storm, all we want is for someone to say, “You’ll make it.  I went through the exact same thing, and I made it.  You’ll make it, too.” No matter the crisis we are in, that’s what we want to hear....


My mind wandered as I drove back roads in ruralish Mississippi.  My body drove this well-worn path from our house to our church without any necessary guidance from my brain. So I began to reflect on the two little girls in the back seat.  As hard, as physically...


Lately I’ve been challenged with the idea of “complete obedience”. The legalist in me wants to think that if I do what God tells me to do, that should “count” as obedience. The Lord should be happy with me, and He should bless me...