Bible, Bono, God, Isaiah, Jesus, John, love, obedience, One Republic, the good life
One Republic has a song on regular rotation on your local pop station these days. It’s called, “Good Life”. It is nothing to write home about, but it caught my attention this morning because a) it was the second time in 24 hours I had heard it, and...
Acts, Bible, God, Isaiah, obedience, Psalms
Lately I’ve been challenged with the idea of “complete obedience”. The legalist in me wants to think that if I do what God tells me to do, that should “count” as obedience. The Lord should be happy with me, and He should bless me...
God, happiness, Luke, obedience, Psalms
Sometimes when God is calling us to choose between disobeying Him or obeying Him, He is really saying, “Do you want to be happy now or later?” Disobeying Him now = present happiness but sorrowful future. Obeying Him now = present sorrow but happy...