believe, Bible, Jesus, Luke, Mark
Have you ever been amazingly disappointed in someone? Jesus has. He spent 30 years, give or take, in the same place: Nazareth. His neighbors and family knew him as Mary and Joseph’s boy – nice, stayed out of trouble, not much of a looker. Per the culture,...
believe, God, Jesus, Luke, obedience, Peter, spiritual growth
As a daddy leads a fearful, hesitant child toward a new situation, the Lord has been gently encouraging me – never forcing me – down a new path. He’s been quietly, compassionately, and consistently reassuring me, “Come this way. You’ll...
Bible, God, idols, Jesus, love, Luke, Mumford and Sons
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna gush about Mumford and Sons in this post. Because I did that last month, and you people will only put up with so much of that nonsense. But. I am gonna share some thoughts their lyrics are responsible for causing me to think....
1 Corinthians, 1 Samuel, 1 Timothy, Acts, believe, Bible, Deuteronomy, faith, God, Heaven, idols, Jesus, John, Judges, Leviticus, Luke, Numbers, obedience, tolerance, universalism, worship
There is a popular idea out there that it doesn’t matter how you choose to worship, as long as you are sincere. Within this idea is an unspoken conclusion that, somehow, no matter which religion turns out to be right, the god(s) of that religion will honor the...
God, happiness, Luke, obedience, Psalms
Sometimes when God is calling us to choose between disobeying Him or obeying Him, He is really saying, “Do you want to be happy now or later?” Disobeying Him now = present happiness but sorrowful future. Obeying Him now = present sorrow but happy...
blessings, God, Luke, plans, Uncategorized
I didn’t realize I was a control freak until my first child was born. Or maybe that’s when I became a control freak. Either way, I was bound and determined to do everything in my power to be the best and provide the best for my baby. That’s a noble...