Crazy Love, Francis Chan, God, growing, Jesus, love, sin
I know I am late to the party on this one, but I am finally getting around to reading Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. And something he said has been reverberating in my mind for a week or two. I don’t have the book with me, so forgive me if the quote...
Bible, Bono, God, Isaiah, Jesus, John, love, obedience, One Republic, the good life
One Republic has a song on regular rotation on your local pop station these days. It’s called, “Good Life”. It is nothing to write home about, but it caught my attention this morning because a) it was the second time in 24 hours I had heard it, and...
Addison Road, God, love, trials
This morning I heard a song that I’ve heard many times before. For whatever reason, today the opening lyric decided to reach through the speakers, grab me by my proverbial collar, and say, “HEY! YOU! I’M TALKING TO YOU!” The chick from...
God, love, Proverbs, Psalms
I never wake up in the morning and determine, “Today I am going to look for love in all the wrong places.” I never make a To Do List that includes “Entrust my heart to fallible humans”, sandwiched between “Grocery shop” and...