believe, Bible, Jesus, Matthew, speaking, Uncategorized
I had the privilege of speaking at a Mothers of Preschoolers meeting Wednesday morning. I got to speak on the conversation between Jesus and His disciples from Matthew 16 in which Jesus asks two questions: 1) Who do people say the Son of Man is? 2) Who do you say I...
believe, Church, discipleship, Ephesians, evangelism, God, Gospel, grace, Jesus, Luke, Matthew, salvation
I started reading a Bonhoeffer book last week. He wrote it in the 1930’s, but it reads as if he wrote it yesterday. Is the price that we are paying today with the collapse of organized churches anything else but an inevitable consequence of grace acquired too...
believe, Bible, God, Jesus, John, Mark, resurrection, thomas
The other day I read the account of poor Thomas (dude doubted ONE TIME, and he’s never lived it down… maybe we ought to have a little grace and stop calling him Doubting Thomas? Or start calling ALL Christians Doubting <insert name here>? I...
Bible, friendship, God, Jesus, Mark, Peter, Philippians
I love Peter. He’s not afraid to say what everyone else is thinking, and he wears his heart on his sleeve, for better or for worse. I think we’ll be good friends in heaven. (Until we call each other out and get into a fist fight…) Anyway, I read an...
1 John, believe, Beth Moore, Bible, God, Jesus, John, love, spiritual growth
I’m going through Beth Moore’s Loving Well Bible study. Again. For the third time. This is partly because it’s the study the director of women’s ministry at my church chose. But, let’s be honest, it’s mostly because I don’t...
Bible, Jesus, John, Messages, prayer, speaking
Hey! I had the opportunity to speak at a church this morning and thought I’d share the recording with you all if you’re so inclined to give it a listen. The message is on intercessory prayer and focuses on Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Happy listening,...