How to Trust God

John tells a story about a royal official whose son is dying in Capernaum. The official hears Jesus is hanging out in another town and decides his son’s only chance at survival is a divine healing from Jesus (John 4:46-47). According to one source, this official...

You and I in Psalm 106

Israel. Throughout the Old Testament, the nation of Israel is reamed for failing to worship God the way they were supposed to. Sometimes they forgot. Sometimes they remembered but refused. You and I are just the latest models of Israel. We may wear better clothes and...

What Should We Picture When We Pray?

Christians often struggle with focusing their minds during prayer. We rattle off our lists of thanks and requests, but what do we picture while we have our eyes closed? I’ve had different approaches over the years… I used to picture Jesus on the cross, but...

A Greater Hope

I don’t like to spend money. So whenever there is an opportunity to acquire a free pen, I do so. I’m sure that’s how this particular pen found its way into my purse. I have no recollection of when I got it or where I got it from, but I know why I...