The Longest Time Out Ever

Once upon a time, Israel disobeyed God year after year after year. Like a patient parent, He warned them time and time again, “Please don’t do this. Choose to obey.” He took the time to explain to them they were headed toward destruction and pain....

How to Receive God’s Mercy

Yesterday we looked at Jeremiah 2 and saw ourselves in Israel’s rebellion. Like the Israelites, sometimes we choose to abandon God and go find substitute gods. We stop trusting the Lord and trust ourselves instead. We lose our awe of the Lord; we harden our...

How to Commit Idolatry

One thing I love about the Bible is that it’s about me. And we all know how much I love me. I’m my favorite subject. I was reading Jeremiah 2 and 3 yesterday and saw myself in nearly every verse. That’s really bad news if you know anything about...

You’ll Make It

Sometimes when we are in the middle of a storm, all we want is for someone to say, “You’ll make it.  I went through the exact same thing, and I made it.  You’ll make it, too.” No matter the crisis we are in, that’s what we want to hear....


My mind wandered as I drove back roads in ruralish Mississippi.  My body drove this well-worn path from our house to our church without any necessary guidance from my brain. So I began to reflect on the two little girls in the back seat.  As hard, as physically...