believe, Bible, God, hope, Isaiah, pain, trust
Sometimes I feel disappointed. You too? It really doesn’t take much to cause us to feel disappointed. That’s kind of just life’s default setting. Even for you optimists it takes effort and intentionality to overcome our hard-wired inclination to feel...
2 Corinthians, believe, Bible, faith, God, hope, pain, prayer, Uncategorized
Paul. I can’t begin to understand the fervency of this dude’s faith. I think part of it is just his personality. He was a zealous Jew before he became a zealous Christ-follower. He seems to just be one of those people that never does anything halfway....
believe, Bible, Father, fear, God, hope, Jesus, pain, significance, spiritual growth, trust
When the world starts to turn upside down and my stomach turns with it, it can feel like the whole globe has run clean off its orbital path, veering into the vastness of dark space waiting to swallow it whole. When order and routine and the expected and all that is...
1 Thessalonians, 2 Corinthians, God, hope, Jeremiah, Jesus, One Thousand Gifts, Oswald Chambers, Psalms, resurrection, Romans, spiritual growth, thankfulness, Uncategorized
I’m not really sure how it happened. Maybe it’s because I keep re-reading that crazy gratitude book. Or maybe it’s because I’ve spent more time in the Psalms this year than any other book of the Bible. Or maybe it’s because I finally got...
believe, Bible, Exodus, faith, God, hope, Isaiah, Jesus, John, peace, trust
I was in the Ozark “Mountains” over the weekend. I use quotes because I was born in the Rockies. So the Ozarks are mere hills. Nevertheless, they were still beautiful, especially to someone who lives in the flat lands of Memphis, Tennessee. There are many...
believe, Bible, faith, God, hope, John, Paul, peace, Romans, trust
There’s this idea out there that, unfortunately, I think is biblical. It’s that Christians are supposed to be marked by joy and peace and hope, no matter what’s happening in their lives (Romans 12:12, John 16:33, Romans 8:25). You optimists are...