Get Comfortable

Last Sunday our pastor talked about the Holy Spirit as a Comforter. Matt used the illustration of our children having comfort objects – blankets, stuffed animals, etc. – they can’t get to sleep without. For whatever reason, these raggedy objects calm...

You Are Not Able

We sprinted through the book of Joshua yesterday in Bible study.  With only one documented screw up (Joshua 9), Joshua was one of Israel’s most faithful leaders.  He was big on Bible reading and made it a priority for his people to know the Word so they could...

What Leviticus Teaches Us

Leviticus. That’s possibly the book I care least about in the Bible. Is it heretical to say that?  I’m sure there are some legalists sharpening their pitchforks somewhere… Either way, the truth is the book of Leviticus is a snooze fest for me.  God...