Get Comfortable

Last Sunday our pastor talked about the Holy Spirit as a Comforter. Matt used the illustration of our children having comfort objects – blankets, stuffed animals, etc. – they can’t get to sleep without. For whatever reason, these raggedy objects calm...

Straight Up

Don’t worry, Paula Abdul will not be referenced in this post. (Anymore than she already has). There’s this verse in Proverbs you’ve probably heard before. It says, “…in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths...

Are You Staggering?

Sometimes life isn’t all roses. We struggle to make sense of things. We are afflicted – by self and by people and by circumstances outside of ourselves. We don’t always (ever?) understand why God allows or causes things to happen the way they do....

Why I Hate Love

Certain words make me angry. Tolerance is one of those words.  So is religion.  And love. I’m bothered by these words because they are so often used incorrectly.  Somewhere along the line people decided they could define these words however they want, but they...