New Message

Hey! I had the opportunity to speak at a church this morning and thought I’d share the recording with you all if you’re so inclined to give it a listen. The message is on intercessory prayer and focuses on Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Happy listening,...


It was about 2 o’clock in the morning, and I hadn’t slept yet. I stared at the ceiling, weighing pros and cons of a major pending decision – where to get my master’s degree. I rehearsed the countless variables and possible outcomes; I recalled...


So, to understate things, Israel had some trust issues with the Lord. (I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.) The Old Testament spends a lot of time chronicling the ways in which Israel failed to believe God would/could take care of them, despite His...

From a Blessing to a Curse

It has happened to all of us. We’ve taken a gift from the Lord, and the next thing we know, it’s mysteriously transformed from a blessing to a curse. We’re left scratching our heads, asking ourselves, “HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!” It happened...