2 Corinthians, Bible, Colossians, conflict, forgiveness, God, love, self worth, significance
(Yikes. Hope this article can really live up to that title…) (It’s ok, it’s not the words in this post that inspired that title. Scripture inspired that title. So I can go that big with that claim.) (I probably shouldn’t start a post with a...
2 Corinthians, Acts, blessings, Ephesians, Exodus, faith, God, grace, meaning of life, pain, self worth, trials
One of the go-to verses for Christians in pain is 2 Corinthians 12:9. In it God told Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Of course, the context is important. So bare with me while I rehash that for us. Corinth...
2 Corinthians, abortion, Bible, Ephesians, God, growing, Holy Spirit, Jesus, marriage, ministry, pain, parenting, Philippians, power, self worth, spiritual growth
I’m not sure how it happened, but I seem to be friends with more and more people who are “green” and “organic” and “work out” and “don’t eat crap”. They never eat anything not grown in their own backyards,...
2 Corinthians, Bible, God, Jesus, Kingdom Vision, Romans, sin
There is a rumor going around in the hearts and minds of a lot of us that God can’t and won’t use us to positively change the world until we are better. “Better” is different for all of us. Your “better” is directly related to your...
2 Corinthians, God, growing, Hebrews, Jesus, spiritual growth
After yesterday’s post, I’m Dying, I’d be remiss to not mention their is life after death. I’m not talking about eternal life, although I do happen to believe heaven awaits those of us who have bowed our knees to Jesus Christ. Today I am...
1 John, 2 Corinthians, Bible, Colossians, God, James, John, pain, spiritual growth, trials
A popular argument agnostics and atheists like to use to justify their unbelief in God is that if God existed, there wouldn’t be pain in this world. If God existed, they say, He’d be powerful enough and good enough to make our lives pain-free. ...