Holy Moments
It's true what they say: you can't help people who won't help themselves. But, oh, how I love to help people who truly want the things of Christ but have temporarily lost sight of how to get to them. I love the feeling of being in relationships with people who share...
What Should We Picture When We Pray?
Christians often struggle with focusing their minds during prayer. We rattle off our lists of thanks and requests, but what do we picture while we have our eyes closed? I've had different approaches over the years... I used to picture Jesus on the cross, but I'd get...
Mistaking Good for Great
As it seems to go with Him, the Lord is bringing to my attention a certain concept a lot lately. It started last week when Bono was on Letterman. I am way too old to stay up to watch that sort of thing, but I caught the playback the next morning. As always, Bono gave...
Should Church Members Be Allowed to Serve Any Way They Want To?
To save you some time, I don't have an answer to this question that works across the board. But just asking it might inspire some beneficial dialogue about it. Most of us have heard, as church members, that part of our job is to serve the church. Sometimes that means...
I’m Kelly
And sometimes I write here.