New Podcasts: One Thousand Gifts
This past Wednesday I kicked off my teaching series I'll be in for the next 5 weeks, One Thousand Gifts. As with the past two series I've taught, I am recording each lesson and posting them here. If you're still considering coming to the course, give Lesson 1 a listen...
How Sanctification Works
When we become believers, we're given a couple of gifts. 1) We get to go to Heaven when we die. 2) We get to have a relationship with God now. What we're not given is instantaneous spiritual maturity. We are the same ole shmucks we were before we accepted...
How to Diffuse Anger
My phone chimed once, twice, three times (although, not a lady). I read the messages, trying to make sense of them because when will Apple figure out how to deliver successive texts in the order in which they were sent? I feel like it shouldn't be that difficult... I...
I’m Kelly
And sometimes I write here.