“Kelly’s writing is honest, direct and from the heart. She writes like she teaches, with an open heart, wisdom, research and experience. She is concise with words and pure with her motives. Above all her motivation is Christ-driven. Her intent is that anyone listening to her or reading her message know the heart of Jesus Christ!”
“I enjoy Kelly’s candid style of writing which carries over to her insight on scripture. Kelly’s writing serves as devotional time for me; but, I find myself thinking back to what she has written often. Also, in my relationships with friends and family, I use her blog posts frequently by either discussion or forwarding it to them. I enjoy Kelly’s ‘real’ approach when teaching and often find myself not focusing on the topic I want to learn more about, but rather a ‘if Kelly is teaching than I’m in’ mind-set.”
“I am drawn to your writing because you are very transparent and real, and you speak the truth from the Bible. It is always a highlight to have a post in my inbox!”
“Kelly is a very real person who is willing to be raw and vulnerable with her audience. She doesn’t claim to have all of the answers, but is willing to talk through what she does know to help you battle it out in your own head. It’s refreshing to have a [writer] of such knowledge be willing to say ‘I don’t know, but let’s talk about it,’ instead of making up some answer that will just confuse me more. Also, using her real life experiences helps to relate to her as a mother, wife and Christian woman in general.”
“I am drawn to Kelly’s blog because she relates to Christians in a unique way – she writes from the perspective of one who struggles with the very same challenges that most of us struggle with and she does it in a very direct and frank way. She isn’t shy about expressing her own doubts and uncertainties as she endeavors to live out her faith – and most importantly for me, she isn’t shy about sharing that she struggles with just trying to walk with Christ daily. It’s refreshing to read what she shares because often times things are not neatly tied in a bow by the time you finish reading what she’s written – which is just the way life is. She raises questions and encourages the reader to think through their own answers – she offers insights from the Word, but she challenges you to think through what God might be telling you about the subject. Kelly’s insights and original perspective distinguish her as an accomplished writer and a thoughtful, thought-provoking author.”
(The reviews below were copied from this website.)
“I consider [Kelly] the female version of Donald Miller (only perhaps more theologically astute). Her writing is poignant and witty and hard to stop reading.”
“Her insight into everyday life and correlating it to her Christian walk is fantastic. She has a great feel for her audience and [her] writing really hits people between the eyes.”
“I love [Kelly’s] blatant honesty – she’s not harsh or brash, but writes with a sense of authenticity and transparency that really speaks to me. I’m drawn into every post and kept engaged the whole way through.”
“Kelly blends her excellent biblical knowledge (Biblical Studies major) with poise, wit, and transparency. Her ability to bring the Scripture to life by showing the application of it in her daily life, struggles, and thought processes leads the reader to know they are not alone in their walk through this life. Kelly’s hilarious, but dry, undertones and wit draw the reader back every time, even when the subject matter convicts them to step up their game with the Lord. She’s worth a read for sure and I’m always back for more.”
“Her no nonsense, truthful, God honoring writing is refreshing and inspiring. You will not be disappointed!”
“She is an amazing writer: funny, thought provoking and simply brilliant. Definitely a gifted must read!”
“Kelly Levatino is a great writer. She’s very humerous but also tackles very deep issues and gets people thinking about God in a new and enlightened way.”
“She shares Christ in an inspiring way that drives home the truth of our Heavenly Father. Her writings encourage me and make me yearn for more! Kelly loves Jesus and you can tell!”
“It’s practical christianity simply and cleverly put. Very applicable to daily life and young mothers.”
“She’s a friend, bible study teacher, mom, and fellow sister in Christ that has a fresh and inspirational blog that I frequent. Check it out! You’ll be coming back for more”
“Insightful and heartfelt. I always enjoy reading her perspectives! A woman after God’s own heart.”
“She is a powerful yet vulnerable Christian writer that is quite inspiring. I tack her post on Google reader, and as soon as she uploads her latest, I am jumping to it. She has a unique way of capturing a moment and relaying [it] into words that makes me say, ‘That is exactly what I needed right now.’”